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Assessment of Deep Learning Classification Methods for Parkinsonism

National Institutes of Health Project Director or Principal Investigator: Angelos Barmpoutis. STTR Program Subaward Agreement between Automated Imaging Diagnostics and The University of Florida Board of Trustees. Principal Investigator: David E Vaillancourt Co-Investigator: Reza Forghani Other – Project Scientist: Jesse Collins DeSimone. Project description: Using the infrastructure at the Radiomics and…

Equipment: MRI: Track 2 Acquisition of a Novel Performance-Driven 3D Imaging System for Extremely Noisy Objects (NPIX).

National Science Foundation. Funding Opportunity: NSF 23-519 Major Research Instrumentation Program. Principal Investigator:  Navid Asadi. Co-Principal Investigators:  Mark Tehranipoor, Alina Zare, Michele Manuel, R. Forghani. Project description: Grant for the acquisition of the NPIX system at the University of Florida, to be accessible to students, researchers, and industry partners, and positions…

Academic Industry Collaboration with Nuance Communications: Development of Precision Imaging Network (PIN)

Development of Precision Imaging Network™ (PIN) as a single enterprise-wide AI platform, the development, clinical validation, testing and adoption of the Third Party Applications. Nuance Communications, Inc. Principal Investigator:  R. Forghani RELATED NEWS      …